Hérnias inguinais laparoscópicas, leucemia neonatal, desporto e abuso infantil

1.  A primeira sugestão de leitura deste mês vai para um tema que me é muito querido, porque há anos que defendo que a correção laparoscópica é o gold standard para as hérnias inguinais das crianças e dos adolescentes. Este título diz tudo: Percutaneous Internal Ring Suturing is a Safe and Effective Method for Inguinal Hernia Repair in Young Adolescents. “51 adolescents (72.5% males) with a median age of 13 years and median follow-up of 44 months, a total of 57 PIRS procedures were performed. There were 30 (58.8%) right hernia repairs, 15 (29.4%) left hernia repairs, and 6 (11.8%) bilateral hernia repairs. The median surgical time was 10 minutes for unilateral and 18 minutes for bilateral hernia repair. The median length of hospital stay was 24 hours. Only one (1.95%) intraoperative complication occurred during surgery, an inferior epigastric vein injury. No complications or recurrences were observed during the follow-up period.”

2. Este segundo artigo saiu há mais tempo, mas tive que digeri-lo com mais tempo. Pode ser ignorância minha, mas parece-me muito disruptivo. The Prenatal Origin of Childhood Leukemia: Potential Applications for Epidemiology and Newborn Screening.More than 70% of infant leukemia cases and >40% of ALL cases diagnosed age 1–9 years contain cytogenetic profiles that have been found to occur in utero through backtracking and twin studies and have been positively identified in newborn blood spots. This includes KMT2A rearrangements, common in infant leukemia, which confer very poor survival, and both ETV6/RUNX1 and hyperdiploidy, which represent the majority of ALL diagnosed at ages 1 to 9 years. Resolving the uncertainty regarding the prevalence of translocation at birth is an important public health issue with potential implications for newborn screening.”

3. Não perder o último Pediatrics on Call da AAP. Confesso que o primeiro tema já me cansa um bocado, mas o segundo interessa-me bastante. New Guidance on Safe Sleep, Identifying Abuse in Youth Sports. Será com certeza abordado no curso de Medicina Desportiva em Idade Pediátrica que estamos a organizar (mais informações aqui).

4. Last but not the least, publicámos no African Journal of Pediatric Surgery os resultados preliminares das 3 primeiras edições do Curso de Introdução à Cirurgia Pediátrica da Health4Moz (2017-2019). Early results of a distance learning paediatric surgery programme in Mozambique. “A total of 236 students participated in the programme. Forty-four per cent had a negative score on the diagnostic test. When the test was repeated, 91.9% had a positive score, and the difference between the scores in both tests reached statistical significance (P < 0.05). The participants who completed the first phase of the programme presented a higher median score in both tests (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The diagnostic tests allowed us to verify there was an increase in knowledge before and after the face-to-face session. There was also a significant difference between those participants who completed the online phase of the programme and those who did only the face-to-face session.”

Por João Moreira Pinto, MD PhD, Cirurgião Pediátrico
Linked in  | Facebook | e-Mail: moreirapinto@gmail.com
Cirurgia Pediátrica, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto | Hospital da Luz Arrábida/Guimarães | Hospital-Escola Fernando Pessoa

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